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Who Then Can Be Saved? or: Put Down Your Controller and Watch the Cut-scene (Luke 18:9-34)

As tensions rise the closer Jesus gets to Jerusalem and Judgement Day, the people all begin to wonder, “Who is going to survive?” Jesus tells them the good – and the bad – news.

Two Blind Men, or: Being Seen is Believing (Luke 18:35-19:10)

When Jesus arrives (suddenly) at the gates of Jericho, everyone realizes he is less than twenty kilometers from Judgement Day. One man screams. Another one climbs a tree. And Jesus answers the question, “Who then can be saved?”

How Can We Be Sure He Really Is Who He Says He Is? or: How To Survive the Disappointment if He Isn’t (Luke 19:11-27)

As Jesus finishes his dinner at Zacchaeus’ house, everyone expects Judgement Day to happen tomorrow when he arrives in Jerusalem. Jesus explains that it just isn’t going to happen like that — and how to survive the disappointment.

The Dawn of the End of the World, or: The Prince, With a Donkey, On the Mountain (Luke 19:28-48)

As Jesus approaches Jerusalem, he fulfills several ancient prophecies all at once, proving that he really is the Messiah. Then, to the crowd’s delight, he finally kicks off Judgement Day! No, wait, he doesn’t. Or…does he?

Who Exactly is in Charge Around Here? (Part I), or: Jesus: 3, Government: 0. (Luke 20:1-26)

When the religious leaders of Jerusalem ask Jesus where he got his preaching license, he pulls a Moses on them and shouts, “Let my people go — or else!” Hilarity ensues.

Who Exactly is in Charge Around Here? (Part II), or: Jesus: 6, Government: 0. (Luke 20:27-21:4)

Jesus beats the religious leaders of Jerusalem at their own game. While they pout, Jesus goes on to tell everyone else how to discern the difference between the devil’s kingdom and God’s.

It’s the End of the World as We Know It (Part II), or: How to Escape the Temple (Luke 21:5-38)

While the disciples admire the temple, Jesus points out that the whole thing is strictly temporary. Alarmed, the disciples ask for a timeline of future events. Jesus delivers…big time.

The Night of Watching, or: One For the Road (Luke 22:1-38)

As Satan puts his plans in motion, Jesus promises to fight and die for his disciples. They promise to fight and die for him in return. Jesus says, “No, you won’t.” Then he tells them to hurry up and eat — it’s time to get on the road.

The Hour of Darkness, or: the Prince, on a Mountain, with the Devil (Luke 22:39-65)

Satan finally launches his attack, carries the war into God’s territory, and captures Jesus at last. The war is over! — but who actually won?

The Death of the Law, or: Where Reprogramming Begins (Luke 22:66-23:25)

Jesus goes on trial for his life. He is found guilty, then not guilty, then guilty again, and still he makes no attempt to escape. Why not? the crowd wonders — and then they jump to a terrible conclusion.

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